Pest Management Essential During Pandemic to Ensure Public Safety

Dalgetty Pest Control, are urging businesses across the North East to continue with pest management during the ongoing covid-19 pandemic to avoid risks to public safety and the UK food supply chain.

This follows a public health campaign to members by governing body British Pest Control Association (BPCA) warning of the longer term risks to business if this service is neglected due to business closures during the pandemic. George Eustace, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has also recently confirmed it as an essential sector during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Rodents, flies and many other pests carry and transmit diseases, some of which can be fatal, as well as contaminate food, wreck a property’s infrastructure, ruin stock and damage a business’ reputation.

Director of Dalgetty Pest Control,  David Dalgetty said : “Proactive pest management is the only way we can minimise the risks that pests post to public health and safety, particularly in regard to the contamination of our food supplies. 

“As National Pest Control Technician Association members we are highly trained, qualified to maintain the highest standards and are able to continue providing this essential service, while mitigating the risks of COVID - 19.”

“Rodents and flies can breed at alarming rates if left undetected- Mice as an example can breed upto 8 times a year and with their lifecycle from conception to maturity being between 9 and 11.5 weeks - it highlights the enormity of the problem if people don’t stay on top of pest management. 

In line with Government and BPCA guidance Dalgetty Pest Control have taken steps to adapt their services and all new cases will be discussed over the phone initially, with photos requested to help identify the problem.  Each situation will then be assessed before advising whether a call-out is required. Routines are still being maintained, with additional procedures in place to avoid human contact, after all pests do not know what lockdown is!